Social media has become one of the essential platforms for formulating news and trendy videos and culture. Here, people get influenced easily and wish to be a part of a trend. Recently, while scrolling through TikTok videos, I found myself astonished by looking at this fantastic drink from Starbucks named “Under the sea refresher”.
It looked so tempting that I walked up to Starbucks from my home. As I entered the premises and headed towards the counter, I realized there was no such drink even introduced and came out with the most disappointed face. It is how social media can impact the world; I thought the drink was real.
Is “Under the Sea” refresher of Starbucks real?
As we all know, Starbucks is one of the famous brands for its refreshing creative drinks and coffeehouse outlets. It is an American company, having its headquarters in Seattle, Washington. People love the drinks and beverages of Starbucks, and there is hype whenever every new flavour or refreshment is introduced.
This hype grew virally on social media platforms when a new drink named “Under the Sea refresher” was introduced. The drink is said to give a Little Mermaid vibe. This Starbucks drink is supposed to resemble a blue drink filled with vibrant gummy worms. Although it appears to be an enticing beverage, it is not a real Starbucks drink during summertime.
Is the Starbucks Under the Sea refresher of Starbucks a real thing?
No, “Under the Sea” refresher from Starbucks is a real drink but has not been introduced or invented by the American company Starbucks. Moreover, even a representative from the company confirmed that the drink does not exist in Starbucks. It has left a lot of customers feeling embarrassed and disappointed. It appears that user @hаnnаhgаlligаn24 created a brilliant yet perplexing video around Christmas in 2021, stating “Finаlly got the new Starbucks drink.”, to mislead people about a new drink that gave off incredibly great Mermaid vibes. The video grew viral on social media.
How did Under the sea refresher of Starbucks go viral?
The trend of the Under the sea refresher drink began as a joke from a TikTok user named @hаnnаhgаlligаn24 and reached about 13 million views. The video went viral because of eagerness and curiosity. People were interested to know if the drink was real or fake, and if it was real, was it at Starbucks? So many Starbucks Baristas were confused and did not know what to believe.
Plus, with the disappointments, more people also wanted to try and know if there was a hidden truth. It’s easy to recognize how a scam could have gotten lost. Granted, viewers aren’t delighted with the joke, which is understandable given how fantastic it looks. Nonetheless, there is a way to make this Under the Sea Refresher drink for oneself in respective homes.
How to make an Under the Sea refresher from Starbucks?
- This imaginary drink appears to be based on Glacial Frost, a light blue Gаtorаde flavour with half-filled gummy bears.
- After mixing all the different flavours, top it off with ice cubes.
- One could also play around with various additions like Mountain Dew or Sprite.
- To make a 21+ version, replace the Gatorade with Mountain Dew and end with Blue Curacao.
- When you finish with your own Starbucks tumbler, you’re finished.
Is Under the Sea refresher worth trying?
@harrisontjames said the drink tasted like blue raspberry and was super sugary, but it’s not bad. So, one could try it out. Since the mix of flavours with Sprite and gummy bears sounds so delicious, it will likely taste good. One can try it out at home itself.
Trying trendy stuff makes one stay in touch with the awesomeness happening in the world. Thus, one should try the “Under the Sea refresher” drink. It is eye-catching yet simple. So, tell us if you went to Starbucks and tasted this super fantastic drink. Kidding!! Let us know if you’ve tried making this amazing drink at home. And how excellent its taste is.